Can I visit the ER with a dental emergency?

While we generally hope to avoid dental emergencies, they happen regardless.
And when they do, many are unsure if they should suffer through the pain until they can see their dentist, or if they should visit their local ER to have their situation dealt with as soon as possible.
Obviously, you CAN visit the ER when you’re experiencing any type of emergency, but depending on the severity of your situation, an ER visit might not be your best option.
What is a dental emergency?
A true dental emergency is usually described as any tooth or mouth-related situation where your health and well-being is put into immediate danger. This typically includes broken jaws, a tooth or several teeth that have been knocked out, severe cuts or lacerations, etc.
In fact, there are many situations and health-related conditions that can affect your oral health at any given moment.
When Should I Visit the ER for a dental emergency?
Typically, you should visit the ER if you’ve experienced serious trauma to the head or face, especially resulting in the loss of several teeth, severe, unbearable pain, or uncontrollable bleeding.
In most cases, if your dentist office is open when the emergency occurs, it’s best to contact them first to find out how to proceed.
However, if the incident happens outside of normal business hours, visiting the ER is often the best course for seeking immediate treatment.
When To Wait and Contact Your Dentist
One of the most common “dental emergencies” that we see is a simple toothache, where the pain is caused by a cavity.
In most cases, cavity-related toothaches are not considered dental emergencies, and it’s best to wait and see your dentist at the earliest convenience. Rinsing with warm saltwater, or taking over the counter painkillers can usually help reduce and manage pain until you’re able to get in.
Brushing and flossing can also help remove food particles that may be causing the irritation.
Emergency Dental in Toronto, Ontario
When a dental emergency strikes, it’s good to know that prompt, professionally, and reliable help is only a quick call away.
For immediate help with your dental emergencies in Toronto, Ontario, don’t hesitate to contact the dental experts here Chroma Dental.