Wisdom Teeth Removal

Emergency Tooth Extraction, Immediate Appointment (416) 550-9000


ADDRESS: 595 Sheppard Ave East, unit 206 Toronto, ON M2K 1B4

  • Same Day Tooth Extraction
  • Painless Wisdom Tooth Extraction
  • In Case of Emergency - Immediate Appointment
  • 25+ years of practice
  • Brand New (2021) New Modern Dental Studio
  • Exceptionally COVID-19 SAFE Dental Experience, IPAC Non-Touch Equipment, RCDSO
  • 0% Bacterial Growth Surfaces
  • Pain-free procedure while you watch a Netflix movie!
  • Financing with 0% interest
  • FREE Visitor Parking

Let’s check

Answer a few quick questions to see if you should consider tooth extraction as a treatment.

I am: * (Select one)

Teen Parent Adult

What are the symptoms or diseases?

Infected tooth has caused damage to the root

Tooth prevents the growth of an adjacent tooth

Gum/Periodontal disease

Broken tooth can’t be repaired using another method

Abscess on the gums or surrounding your teeth

Crowded teeth/mouth-prior to dentures or braces to cure overcrowded teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth do not fit in the jaw or are causing pain

Radiation therapy to the neck and head

Other diseases and medication prompt removal


Tooth Extraction by Toronto’s Expert Dr. Aksana Tkachenko

There are many reasons that an individual may require a tooth to be extracted.
For instance, if a tooth has been severely damaged and cannot be repaired, or the individual is suffering from advanced stages of gum periodontal disease, the tooth may need to be removed.
Tooth extraction is typically a last resort, and before extraction is done, every effort will be made to keep the natural tooth healthy and alive.

However, in many extreme cases, such as those mentioned above, extraction becomes necessary to preserve the patient’s overall oral health.
With that in mind, simple tooth extractions are among the most common surgical procedures performed in our office.

To learn more about tooth extraction, with or without sedation, don’t hesitate to contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Free Consultation

Convenient service hours

25+ years of practice

Great experience

COVID-19 Protection Excellence

IPAC, Non touch technology, RCDSO

What to Expect During a Tooth Extraction

Processes of having an extraction

Although having a tooth extracted may seem like a scary procedure, your dentist will do everything in their power to ensure that you’re safe and comfortable throughout the entire procedure.
Before the procedure begins, your dentist will administer a local anesthetic, which will numb the face and mouth area where the extraction will take place.
In some cases, your dentist may also administer a sedative to ensure that you won’t feel any pain, discomfort, or anxiety throughout the procedure.
While you may feel slight pressure, having a tooth extracted should never be painful.

Post-Extraction Care

Due to the local anesthetic, your face and mouth will likely remain numb for a few hours after your tooth has been extracted. However, you’ll typically be sent home to recover without direct supervision from your dentist.

Below, we’ve listed a few post-extraction tips to help you recover as quickly as possible.

  • Take painkillers or anti-inflammatories only as prescribed.
  • Apply a cold compress to the area to reduce swelling
  • Limit physical exertion for 24 to 48 hours.
  • Avoid sucking through a straw or smoking, which may dislodge the blood clot that is currently forming where your tooth once was.
  • Rinse with a warm saltwater solution
  • Do not smoke
  • Eat only soft food
  • Continue brushing while avoiding the extraction site.

Should you experience any pain, discomfort, or the extraction site bleeds profusely, you must contact your dentist immediately. Always remember that we’re only a quick phone call away!

Tooth Removal/Tooth Extraction Surgery FAQ


When is a tooth extraction necessary?

As we’ve already mentioned, tooth extraction is typically a last resort. In other words, when an individual has severe tooth decay, or when a tooth is chipped, cracked, or damaged, your dentist will first do their best to repair the tooth via bonding, filling, a root canal, or crown repair.
However, when a tooth is damaged beyond repair or has a severe infection affecting the gums, the only solution is to remove the tooth.
Additionally, severe dental decay, periodontal disease, organ transplants, certain orthodontic treatments, impacted wisdom teeth, as well as cancer treatments are also situations that may require one or more teeth to be removed.

How much does tooth extraction cost?

As with most dental procedures, the cost will vary depending on the complexity of your situation – with prices starting from $170 for a basic extraction, and more for a complicated one.

When will my mouth feel better?

After your procedure, as the anesthetic slowly wears off, the extraction site may feel painful or tender, which is precisely why most dentists will prescribe a mild pain killer or anti-inflammatory to help you through your recovery.
However, within 24 to 48 hours, most of your pain and swelling should subside, and you’ll be able to resume most of your normal activities.
If you’re still experiencing intense pain or bleeding, don’t hesitate to contact us.

When is wisdom tooth extraction needed?

Although it varies from one person to another, most wisdom teeth start to surface between 16 and 25 years of age. While most individuals will develop a total of 4 wisdom teeth, others may only develop 1 or 2, or, in rare cases, none at all.
With that said, wisdom teeth are typically extracted when they are causing crowding of the other teeth or when they are severely impacted, which means that they are trapped either partially or fully below the gums.
Got a question about your wisdom teeth? Don’t hesitate to contact us today!


As one of North York's leading dentistries, Chroma Dental’s primary goal and vision is to serve our patients with the best dental care currently available in Toronto.
Not only does this mean that we strive to offer a pleasant experience to each patient, but we are also committed to treating them using cutting edge tools and techniques, as well as educating them on the best ways to care for their teeth.
In other words, we strive to make every visit to our office as safe, comfortable, and enjoyable as possible.


Complimentary consultation


Convenient service hours


no referral necessary


Flexible payment plans


25+ years of practice


2021 New Modern Dental Studio


Exceptionally COVID-19 SAFE Dental Experience


NETFLIX movies and Cold Beverages


0% Bacterial Growth Surfaces


All Services Provided According Guidance RCDSO


IPAC Standarts of Dental Equipment (Non touch technology)


Free Visitor Parking


A Team You Can Count On

This is precisely why Dr. Aksana Tkachenko's team is highly skilled and dedicated to you, our valued patient, at all times.

From our friendly, professional dentists, hygienists, assistants, and the rest of our staff, everyone in our practice is committed to their role in providing you with an extremely enjoyable experience when you come in for a visit.

We take care of our team, so they can work tirelessly to make Chroma Dental the go-to dental clinic in the region when it comes to friendly, professional oral care.