When is a tooth extraction necessary?
As we’ve already mentioned, tooth extraction is typically a last resort. In other words, when an individual has severe tooth decay, or when a tooth is chipped, cracked, or damaged, your dentist will first do their best to repair the tooth via bonding, filling, a root canal, or crown repair.
However, when a tooth is damaged beyond repair or has a severe infection affecting the gums, the only solution is to remove the tooth.
Additionally, severe dental decay, periodontal disease, organ transplants, certain orthodontic treatments, impacted wisdom teeth, as well as cancer treatments are also situations that may require one or more teeth to be removed.
How much does tooth extraction cost?
As with most dental procedures, the cost will vary depending on the complexity of your situation – with prices starting from $170 for a basic extraction, and more for a complicated one.
When will my mouth feel better?
After your procedure, as the anesthetic slowly wears off, the extraction site may feel painful or tender, which is precisely why most dentists will prescribe a mild pain killer or anti-inflammatory to help you through your recovery.
However, within 24 to 48 hours, most of your pain and swelling should subside, and you’ll be able to resume most of your normal activities.
If you’re still experiencing intense pain or bleeding, don’t hesitate to contact us.
When is wisdom tooth extraction needed?
Although it varies from one person to another, most wisdom teeth start to surface between 16 and 25 years of age. While most individuals will develop a total of 4 wisdom teeth, others may only develop 1 or 2, or, in rare cases, none at all.
With that said, wisdom teeth are typically extracted when they are causing crowding of the other teeth or when they are severely impacted, which means that they are trapped either partially or fully below the gums.
Got a question about your wisdom teeth? Don’t hesitate to contact us today!